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RE/MAX acquires master franchise for Texas

RE/MAX Buys Master Franchise for Texas

“As of December 31, 2012, RE/MAX of Texas, with its 4,300 agents and 260 offices, becomes the 11th Company Operated Region owned by RE/MAX, LLC of Denver. Richard and Jeanne Filip, owners of RE/MAX of Texas since 1996, agreed to transfer ownership of the Master Franchise for the state of Texas, but remain the owners of several individual RE/MAX brokerages.”

This is big news, for several reasons.

“The last time RE/MAX, LLC added to its inventory of Company Owned Regions was in 2007, when it purchased the Master Franchise for three regions; RE/MAX California and Hawaii, RE/MAX Florida and REMAX Carolinas.”

If you bought a house in 2007, what do you think it’s worth now? More than likely, less (way less) then what you paid for it. Now imagine buying 3 real estate regions. Ouch! That gives you some clue to the struggles RE/MAX have been going through the past several years. That being said with this acquisition it seems they have turned the corner and are ready to go on the aggressive. Maybe Dave has gotten his mojo back.

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