Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Mary Lou Williams of CRISnet/Southland Regional Association is retiring.

Mary LouMary Lou has been with Southland Regional Assn./MLS for over 29 years. 29 years! A little piece of MLS trivia: Mary Lou was around when SRAR introduced the first Window’s based MLS system. That MLS system was based on Wyldfyre (now owned by Homes.com). Please join me in congratualting Mary Lou on her retirment and wishing her the best of luck.

  1. What an incredible professional…knowledge & experience that can’t be replaced…until the next person has 29 years in. CARETS would not have grown from a dream to a reality had you not been there every step of the way.

    P.S. take Jim L. with you…he may not make it without you…. LOL

    Adrese: Unless something has changed it GO TEXAS RANGERS !!

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