Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Clareity Store

My thanks to Clareity Store for sponsoring Vendor Alley. This is from their site:

“The beauty of the Clareity Store is that it enables approved sellers to sell in every store in our system. Since Clariety is building new stores throughout 2013, sellers can rest assured they will receive maximum exposure to working real estate agents. The more stores you sell in, the more sales you will make.

The application process to become an approved seller is simple, and the terms are straightforward. The entire process is designed to take less than 48 hours to complete, including integration, testing and deployment.

As an approved seller, you will need to integrate with our single sign-on technology, so Clareity can sell and provision your product using the same user credentials agents already use to access their MLS.”

Sounds good to me!

Sponsored By Cubi Casa