Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Realtor.com gets its groove on.


Whoa! Was my first reaction. Lower case typeface, new color scheme, simply clean look and feel. Is this MOVE? How did NAR approve this? Everyone knows its “REALTOR” not “realtor”. I guess it is true, Frank Sibley is retiring.

The new logo looks great, I’ve always been a fan of negative space use in product and brand logos. They’ve done a good job of giving a map look and feel while highlighting the home silhouette. Tough thing about logo design these days is that they have to look good on multiple devices. I think this logo will look good on the home screen of my iPad. Well done!

New slogan: “where home happens” – Again, well done. Short, simple and sweet.

In regard to the home page design I think the layout is a welcome departure from past bureaucratic designs. Looks like the omnibox has now taken over (which is a good thing) and the use of big images also has a calming effect.

One small quibble, in regard to copy. The buttons on top:

For Sale. For Rent. Recently Sold. Not for Sale.

“Not for Sale” is a negative statement, and conflicts with the overall vibe of the site. Plus who’s to say that some of those properties might be for sale? Might I suggest something like “All The Rest”.

So overall I have to say I love it. Looks like a promise of some great things to come. Kudos to everyone at MOVE!

  1. Is that screenshot from some prototype site? When I go to realtor.com, I see a non-responsive site design that is cluttered with ads and links to pointless content.

  2. Pingback: New Realtor.com branding downplays ties to NAR | My Blog

  3. Pingback: Rebranded realtor.com Debuts

  4. Pingback: Rebranded realtor.com Debuts - The Buckeye Realty Team

  5. Pingback: New Realtor.com branding downplays ties to NAR

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