Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

What’s going on at Trulia?

Yesterday is was Matt Dolinger, today it was Todd Carpenter. Both have announced that they have left Trulia. Both these guys were hired with much fanfare and now, the boot? I haven’t spoken to anyone on the details of their departure but wish them good luck on their next adventure!

Matt Dollinger
Matt Dollinger
Todd Carpenter
Todd Carpenter
  1. From the looks of it, Alon Chaver came on and either didn’t have a love connection with Matt/Todd, was told to cut back by 20% or the ‘Industry’ wasn’t ‘relating’ with Trulia. Maybe a combo of that and more.

    In any case, if you’re on the following page, you better start relating: http://www.trulia.com/about/industry

  2. Pingback: Two high-profile real estate pros depart Trulia | My Blog

  3. Thanks Greg – I can say that working with Trulia was an amazing opportunity with great people. I’ve learned a ton – but was never able to take off my broker hat. And so I’ve decided to go back to my roots and work closely with the industry I have served for the past 10 years by consulting with brokers and agents to adapt to the changing market.

    To clear the air on Robert’s comments – Alon and I have been friends for years and will continue to be going forward. My departure was an amiable one of choice and I’m happy to continue advising them on their board. Further, anyone that has ever met me knows there’s no lack of “relating” with the Real Estate industry…

    Most importantly I’ve learned not to say the word #syndication on stage 🙂

  4. Pingback: Two high-profile real estate pros depart Trulia - Lotus Advisors

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