Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Solid Earth’s Spring has sprung

Solid Earth Delivers Spring Public Portal in the Chattanooga, TN Market

“The Spring platform is a new kind of public­facing search portal that represents a number of key advances in the real estate industry. Traditionally, there are separate search environments for consumers and professionals. Using distinct consumer and professional logins, Spring offers professionals the same proprietary access to information, analytics and features they currently have but within the same navigation experience as their clients.”

Looks like Solid Earth is swinging for the fences here. It acts as both and public and private portal, responsive design, the works. I can only imagine the level of development effort to get this thing ready. It’s a very interesting value proposition, looking forward to see how the market responds. Congrats to Solid Earth.

  1. “I can only imagine the level of development effort to get this thing ready”, you can say that again Greg. It’s pretty cool though! Robb and the guys did a great job. See you in a few weeks!

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