Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Webinar – “How to Increase Your Chances of Success with eCommerce”

I sat in on the first one of these webinars that RET put on and was impressed.



How to Increase Your Chances of Success with eCommerce
Reserve Your Seat Today!

Many MLSs are now considering offering additional products and services to their members.

Come to the RE Technology webinar on Wednesday, May 8th at 11:00 am PDT (2 pm Eastern, 1 pm Central) and learn how to increase your chances of non-dues revenue success with eCommerce.

Learn from Lauren Emery, CEO of IRES MLS, one of the first MLSs to offer eCommerce who will share her early experiences with eCommerce. Also, get a peek at RE Technology’s affordable solutions for eCommerce.

Click here to register now!

At this session you will learn:

What the fundamentals of eCommerce are and what does it take to be profitable
Discuss ways that you can make eCommerce a win/win for your subscribers and the MLS
How to avoid the “build it and they will come” trap
How to determine what products to sell and at what price
Identify ways to attract technology companies and valuable revenue sharing opportunities
How to entice subscribers to visit your store frequently and purchase often
Criteria you can use to evaluate which approach is right for you

Industry Panelists Include:

Lauren Emery, CEO of IRES MLS
Marilyn Wilson, Founding Partner of WAV Group.

  1. Here is my class on any kind of commerce:

    1. Rule #1 – Have something worth buying.
    2. Rule #2 – see Rule #1.

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