Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

It’s your C.A.R. vs. dotloop link pack!

Joel Singer, CEO of CAR and Austin Allison, CEO of dot loop
Joel Singer, CEO of CAR and Austin Allison, CEO of dot loop

As a service to my readers I put links to the everything you want to know about the CAR vs dotloop drama.

DotLoop gets sued. Several organizations file cease and desists. [Source: Yours truly!]

US’s largest Realtor association to dotloop: ‘Hands off our forms’

C.A.R protects its forms turf from dotloop [Source: Yours truly!]

Austin Allison bares his soul (or at least his chest) in a video on a website dubbed: http://GiveMembersChoice.com

CAR stakes out its position on refusal to license forms

Brian Boero offers his thoughts on the issue. Friday Flash: Thoughts on the CAR forms issue.

Now you’re all caught up! Have a great weekend!

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