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Clareity Store partnerships will reach 900,000 agents

LPS to offer Clareity app store to 250,000-plus subscribers.

Via Inman News

““The momentum is building every day with MLS operators and the vendor/merchant community. In addition to deploying dozens of regional stores in 2013, we are also adding three to four new merchants and numerous products to the Store’s master catalog each week. My team is looking forward to the Inman Connect conference as the place for us to build new relationships with the vendor community,” Larson added.”

900,000 is huge number!

  1. Nowhere in the discussion of “app stores” do I see any mention of how a vendor gets permission to access the data from an MLS, how much work is involved in integrating the vendors’ products into the MLS, who pays for that integration, who supports them, if one broker in an MLS wants the product do they pay for the integration, etc.?

    And why would an MLS need a middleman to offer products to their customers? Couldn’t they just set up a simple storefront with a pass through to the vendors directly?

    Once someone “buys” something through the “app store” will they then be inundated with a constant stream of buy-me emails from all the other vendors?

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