Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

See you at Inman Connect

Looking forward to see many of you at Inman Connect in San Francisco next week. I get there tomorrow evening. I’m also participating in a few sessions.

Dan and I will be at the CEO Summit at the Four Season on Wednesday morning. I will be helping lead a discussion on CRM around 10:00am. So if you got an invite I’ll see you there.

The agenda is jammed pack with some pretty cool stuff, here’s a few things I wanted to highlight.

Wednesday, July 10th

Welcome Address: 1:30PM -Hilton Union Square
I try to never miss Brad Inman‘s Welcome Address that starts at 1:30PM at the Hilton. His talk is “Be Future Proof. Own Tomorrow.”

Face Off: Working Through the Gnarly Details of the Digital Transaction: 5:10PM -Hilton Union Square
Joel Singer of CAR and Austin Allison of dotloop go at it. Should be fun.

Cocktails@Connect: 5:30PM Hilton Union Square Grand Ballroom A
Never go big on the first night.

Thursday, July 11th

MLS Success Track

Lots of goodies here. I like them all.

I’ll be on the panel of “The MLS “App Store:” Vision or Delusion? at 2:20pm, Dave Charon from MRIS is moderating. Lots of good panelist including Mike Wurzer, Amy Geddes, Katie Wethman, and Chip McAvoy.

My company, W&R Studios, is also hosting private meetings at our hospitality suite at the Hilton (where we are giving away the best Gift Bags in the industry for all our meeting participants). We have a few open spots on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. So if you are a Broker looking to differentiate yourself or MLS provider looking for a way to generate non dues revenue, email me and we’ll schedule a time to hook up. greg [at] wrstudios [dot] com.

See you there!

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