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CoreLogic’s Matrix 6.3 adds ton of new features and Cloud CMA integration.

CRMLS just began rolling out Matrix 6.3 today. Here’s the list:

Interactive Single Line Grids
My Location
Improved Maps
Resigned Client Portal
Resend Auto Email
My Information
Simplified Print Screen
Improved Net Sheets
and, my personal favorite, One Click Access to Cloud CMA.

CRMLS has done a really great job of creating training materials and videos about the new features. They are blasted all over Twitter and their Facebook page. Very smart.

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  1. MATRIX 6.3 is the biggest change to the system in a very long time. Over all it is a great improvement on an already good system. I have to agree, the “One Click Access” to Cloud CMA is a real game changer and time saver.

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