Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Nextdoor, a social network for neighborhoods, raises 60 million.

I’ve written about Nextdoor before. No revenue yet, but these guys now have 90 million in the bank and Zillow’s co-founder Rich Barton on their board. I like the idea here, connecting online with your neighbors. Seems a little counter intuitive (why not just say hello instead?). But with everyone as busy as they are it seems that making a connection online is great way to start a relationship (online neighboring?). Here’s a quote from their CEO Nirav Tolia.

“And Mr. Tolia says Nextdoor is adding members at a healthy clip and believes it can fill the information void left by the erosion of local newspaper readership and local television viewing. The company is also attracting classified ads, robust discussions on its message boards about everything from crime to local businesses and services, and becoming a forum for neighbors to meet one another.”

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