Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Glenn Kelman’s post gives insight to latest financing round.

In my opinion Redfin is the only true disruptor in the industry.

Slideshow? This time, it was different: Redfin’s $50 million financing all about customer value

Glenn Kelman:

“But software entrepreneurs have mostly gone only halfway. We have sometimes been like the medieval monks who were once so committed to the celestial sphere that they had to confess to any acts of manual labor.

The result of this cloistering has been breathtaking virtual worlds. But from the perspective of a new generation of entrepreneurs who are using our software expertise to build, say, electric cars, these worlds can sometimes seem like a high school science fair project, with a limited impact on the real world. Just look at what is happening now that the people who make 1′s and 0′s are also trying their hand at physical goods and services:

-Uber is an iPhone app for ordering a ride, but it’s worth 100 times more than Taxi Magic because it has built its own transportation system.

Spot on.

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