Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Cloud Streams

Cloud Streams GW&R takes the field with Cloud Streams

Brian Boero, 1000watt

“This is why last week’s launch of Cloud Streams, the new listing alert and collaboration app from W&R Studios, the makers of Cloud CMA, is significant. They have taken something important and improved upon it. A lot. As a result, agents that set up clients with alerts and “Streams” (what W&R calls the collaboration space) look like heroes, not knuckleheads.

Agents can set up clients to receive email alerts, but also SMS alerts. The emails are responsive, so they look great on a mobile device. The design is clean and attractive. Calls to action are strong.”

We recently launched Cloud Streams locally with CRMLS. So far feedback has been fantastic. If any MLS Execs would like a demo while out at NAR Midyear or GoTo Meeting please reach out to Katie or I.

greg at wrstudios dot com
katie at wrstudios dot com

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