Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

MRIS Receives RESO’s First RETS 1.8 Certification


“The RETS 1.8 Certification verifies that MRIS complies with the open standard for accessing and exchanging real estate transaction information with other organizations supportive of the RETS 1.8 Standard. MRIS originally created a unique method of updating new listing information via RETS, which is a piece of the contribution MRIS has made to the launch of the new certification. “

To be honest I’ve stopped following a lot of what RESO is doing. Seems like they are picking up some steam now. And I believe we (W&R Studios) are going to be stepping up our involvement as well.

  1. Hey Greg…

    Interesting info about RETS…, Property Panorama’s CTO Matt Ruffalo, working under the pseudonym “Harvey.Falcic@gmail.com”, is the one who, for quite some time, was making all the bug fixes and contributions to the Python bindings to libRETS (you see we needed to make it work for us) and, in fact, is now the official maintainer of libRETS’ Python interface.

    Matt’s initial contribution was full support for Python 3.

    FYI, Matt is a computer science Ph.D. student at a university in Cleveland and wanted to keep his two professional lives separate.

    Sorry Matt, the world is now going to find out of our contribution to RETS… 😉 … FYI, libRETS works perfectly for us… We just passed out 2.8 million InstaView virtual tour creations

    CEO Property Panorama

  2. The new standard seems to be just a small tweak from 1.7.2 … Glad to hear about you contributions working on the libRETS library.


    Broker/ RETS admin in Florida

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