Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

He said, she said.

This post from HousingWire.com is a good one to read to get a better (another?) perspective on the Zillow and ListHub kerfuffle.

Ben Lane at HousingWire.com: Zillow ending listing agreement with Listhub

““ListHub has been negotiating in good faith a new listing distribution and reporting agreement with Zillow on terms that reflect the best interests of the brokerage industry,” Move said in a statement. “As communicated in public announcements, Zillow decided to end those negotiations and announced the launch of their own platform. Zillow chose their own route for their business model and interests.”

It reminds me of a breakup where both parties claim that it was they that broke off the relationship, not the other way around.

  1. Zillow doesn’t give a flying frack about “the best interests of the brokerage community” (as defined by ListHub or anyone else) or the quality of the listings.

    Their users don’t care so why should Zillow?

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