Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

NEREN chooses Black Knight

New England Real Estate Network Selects Black Knight’s Paragon MLS System

Black Knight Financial Services (NYSE: BKFS) announced today that the New England Real Estate Network (NEREN), serving approximately 8,300 real estate professionals in New Hampshire and Vermont, signed a multi-year agreement to implement Black Knight’s Paragon MLS system.

NEREN conducted an in-depth product analysis of Paragon MLS and selected the system because of its flexibility, ease of use, customizable features, continual enhancements and integration with public records information. Paragon has received the top ranking in the annual Clareity Consulting MLS Customer Satisfaction Survey for the past three years, and recently was installed in numerous MLS organizations that selected Paragon MLS as their system of choice.

8,300 agents. Nice win. Congrats!

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