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Inman says “Blow Up Upstream”

The Inman Files: Blow up Upstream – Why we should pull the plug on this expensive and risky effort

“But I still think it’s time to pull the plug on this project. I do not want to trivialize the well-intended efforts and opinions of so many hard-working people, but it reminds me of Trump’s Wall — grandiose, impractical and inspired by fear. Yes, there is a problem, but Upstream is a wrong-headed solution and a political hairball to build and gain adoption.”

Tell us what you really think Brad!

Plus some advice for new NAR CEO Bob Goldberg

“This is new NAR CEO Bob Goldberg’s opportunity to walk the talk and end a glaring example of old top-down pyramid thinking. Upstream is a classic NAR inside job, intended to benefit a small group of its overall membership.

As in most succession plans, Goldberg has about six months to blame it on the “dead pilot” (former NAR CEO Dale Stinton). Then he must “OWN IT” — good or bad. RPR is Stinton’s love child, not yours, Bob.”

In my interview with Bob Goldberg he told me that all of NAR programs were on the table for review.

  1. Greg,

    As always, interesting post. I wanted to give you a shout out regarding the timing comments on your previous post as they related to this one.

    I received email notification from Twitter that you posted your comment/blog post at 2:35pm EST, yet I did not receive the email from Inman announcing the ‘root’ posting until 3:02pm EST.

    So not only speed in Cloud CMA notifications but the Greg Robertson show as well!! Cheers!

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