Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Bob Hale resigns from RPR board of directors

Word on the street is that Bob Hale, CEO of the Houston Association of REALTORS, resigned last week from the board of directors of RPR. Developing….

  1. I can’t say that I blame him. As CEO of HAR, Bob can call the shots for the betterment of his membership. It must be frustrating as hell to watch the seemingly unmanageable NAR behemoth fail their membership when it comes to really providing technology that helps their members.

    It’s too bad really because RPR could have been a fantastic technology base to offer members the marketing products (for free) they need to compete in an ever evolving market. RPR could have had add-ons such as an AVR marking tool, a public facing portal, an ultra modern IDX just to mention a few. Instead, NAR just let RPR languish. Got forbid they should say screw the politics and slaughter some sacred cows and step on some toes.

    RPR is actually a great tool for agents. But you would be hard pressed to if agents would even know what RPR is when asked. But they promote Realtor.com like crazy. Why?? Money of course. Realtor.com should have been the national agent centric portal that Broker Public Portal now aspires to be. And by the way, that is what Bob Hale did at HAR on a regional level as a free member benefit. No wonder Bob left. I’m sure he thought, “who needs this?”.

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