Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Blame The MLS!

  1. Greg,

    You have known me long enough to know I am the first person to appreciate a good South Park joke. But, in this instance, I wouldn’t say my comments about MLSs amount to an amusing riff on Blame Canada from the South Park movie. The response from folks in the industry, though, is comparable to the character Miss Information from the 4th season who dispenses misleading facts and analysis. In my post on NAR’s The HUB, I noted that the Inman article itself was written with a point of view for the BENEFIT of some MLSs, not that some of the MLSs were BEHIND the article.

    You know me. I come from the MLS world and believe strongly in the vital role MLSs play in facilitating data exchange, which benefit the members that NAR serves. No one is blaming any one for anything, especially not the MLS community.

    Take care, friend, and have a great holiday season.

    Bob Goldberg

  2. @Bob I love you man! This isn’t necessarily linked to the last post, it’s more a reflection of what many keep hearing out there…

    Stinton…The MLS is a cartel
    RPR…. Many MLS have resisted…
    Upstream…MLS vendors have been uncooperative…
    Brokers… You’ve got 10 days!
    Vendors… My products would sell more if only the MLS…

    This has been going on for many, many, years.

  3. Greg and Bob, you guys need to get a room and make up 😉

    Two of my favorite guys in the industry shouldn’t be having a tiff!


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