I’m going to start a new feature. It’s called the Vendor Alley Shit List.
Here’s how it works. Whenever I see or hear about (from you readers) of a company/person/group doing something completely wrong/idiotic/lame, I’m going to post the video below and maybe a short snippet of why this company/person/group deserves to make the list.
Oh, by the way, this is not a joke.
That should be interesting! Im going to be really nice to you from now on Greg! 🙂
I will try to do something super stupid from stage at ICNY18. I want to be #1 on this list. What an honor!
CN I be on the list more than once.
Appearing on the SH!T LIST is my new Bucket List goal…right up there with wanting to see my name on a Silver Alert highway sign!