Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Listing Bits: Maintaining Relationships Via CRM Software with Zvi Band of Contactually

As the saying goes, the best CRM is the one you use. Today’s guest has enjoyed great success onboarding agents to his platform, and when brokers with a strong training culture employ his software, agent adoption is as high as 80%–compared to the industry average 6%. So what’s his secret?


Zvi Band is the co-founder and CEO of Contactually, the leading intelligent CRM for real estate professionals. Agents have seen an average increase in GCI of 42% by staying in personal contact with their networks through Contactually, and the platform has facilitated $3B in deals closed. Zvi is also the co-founder and organizer of DC Tech Meetup, a monthly gathering of entrepreneurs, technologists and investors to see demos, launch products and network. Since its inception in 2011, the meetup has grown to a community of 18,000, making it one of the largest tech meetups in the country.


Today Zvi explains how his nomadic childhood and an early passion for building things led him to become a software developer. He discusses the significance of relationships in furthering his career and walks us through the way Contactually functions to help real estate agents maintain important business relationships. Zvi shares the thinking behind his decisions to fund Contactually via investors, to offer a multifaceted onboarding process, and to give prospects a 14-day free trial without securing credit card information in advance. Listen in and learn what contributes to Contactually’s success within a brokerage and how Zvi addresses agent concerns around sharing their contacts.


What’s Discussed:


Zvi’s nomadic childhood in an academic family

How the Contactually intelligence CRM serves brokerages and agents

Zvi’s insight relationships as the most important asset you can have

The value of cadence in maintaining relationships

Why Zvi chose investors over self-funding

The shift from raising capital to building a business

Zvi’s take on why Contactually enjoyed strong adoption early on

Zvi’s proposal around pooling capital to solve big problems in real estate tech

The initial Contactually customer base of agents and teams

How Contactually has evolved to serve brokerages

Contactually’s multifaceted onboarding process

Why Contactually offers a free 14-day trial without requiring credit card info

Contactually’s growth from three to 70 team members

The remote-friendly culture at Contactually

What contributes to Contactually’s success within a brokerage

-Provides tech AND systems

-Integration with other toolsets

-Open-ended training options

How Contactually addresses agent resistance to sharing contacts with brokers

Contactually’s focus on helping brokers use available data


Nintendo Labo


Connect with Zvi Band:


Zvi’s Website

Zvi on LinkedIn

Zvi on Twitter

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