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ARMLS and Metro MLS announce new joint venture

ARMLS & Metro MLS Lead Advancements of Noncontiguous Markets

The collaboration began as two innovative CEOs, Chris Carrillo (Metro MLS) and Matthew Consalvo (ARMLS), decided to combine their industry expertise by connecting their respective organizations in order to advance the MLS industry and best serve their broker and agent communities.

“We see real value in a shared vision,” stated Chris Carrillo, CEO Metro MLS. “It requires action in the moment and the opportunity for progress is now.”

Simply put by Mr. Consalvo, “It came down to our DNA, Metro MLS shares the same values, commitment to service and vision of the MLS of the future. We are better together than apart.”

I gotta be honest, when I first heard about this it was a bit of a head scratcher. Scottsdale and Milwaukee? But I think it’s pretty simple. You have two organization with a similar structure (the same DNA as they call it) both wanting to grow. And I’m not really talking about growing in geographic sense, I talking about growing my learning, doing things, building, and experimenting. The “non-contiguous thing” is interesting but the collaboration is what I think is key here.

It was also announced that they hired Cameron Paine’s new counsulting firm, Inevate, to facilitate. I think Cameron says it well…

“It’s a brave new world out there and it’s going to take innovative thinking, leadership, and industry expertise to navigate the challenges successfully. CEOs Chris Carrillo and Matt Consalvo are more than up the job and I look forward to helping them achieve success. We are focused on progress, tangible success, and intentional, strategic decisions to keep the MLS relevant to Brokers and agents.”

I’m very curious to find out what two passionate and progressive CEO’s like Matt and Chris can come up with.

  1. Greg, I concur with your comments. There are many opportunities to share ideas, services, contracts and more. A common vision is key (DNA is a bonus). Chris and Matt are creatives with strong, trusting and supportive boards. They might have a long list of ideas to start working through. This reminds me of a collaboration Peter Shuttleworth, Jack Johnson (NWMLS) and I embarked upon back the early 1990s. “Tres Amigos” as it was known. We worked together to develop MLS front-end software with True North Technologies. Our lesson learned was that you have to put people in charge of managing the collaboration. Innovation is alive and well in our industry right now. Keep up the good work! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUTl8DSYUQA

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