Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

GLVAR reverses decision, now will continue to syndicate to Zillow and other third parties.

GLVAR to continue syndicating its MLS data to third parties

“After what GLVAR President Chris Bishop called months of “careful consideration and discussion,” board members of GLVAR and its MLS voted recently to end agreements with all such portals, effective at the conclusion of each contractual term, with Zillow ending in January 2019 and ListHub in June 2019.

But after hearing concerns this month from many of its members, Bishop said GLVAR has reconsidered and will now continue to share its MLS data as it has been while it explores other options.

I hate being right all the time.

  1. Here’s the thing, every Broker from day one has had the ability to not send their listings to Zillow.

    But for whatever the reason this narrative of “the MLS is sending Zillow our listings without permission” keeps popping up.

    Maybe after this exercise these Brokers will now understand that they were always in control.

  2. Another key lesson to be learned – before you make a major decision that affects your brokers, talk to them first. Its not hard to poll each of your brokers and ask them if they would like you to syndicate listings on their behalf. We include questions about this stuff in surveys we did for MLSs all the time.

    And I totally agree with you Greg. It’s time that MLSs promoted the fact that brokers ARE in total control of their own syndication. Not sure why that fact is not clearly understood by every broker after all of these years.

    You’ve inspired me to write yet another blog post on this topic. I thought we were past this one as an industry.

  3. The consumer should not suffer because some real estate brokers think they represent themselves and want to have control on the listing data.Just because they took a listing dose not mean they should decide where this listing should be posted to the public.Real estate agents and their brokers representing the consumer and not themselves. Ask any home seller and will tell you, he/she wants their listing to be posted everywhere.Ask any buyer who is searching for a home, he/she wants to have options to view listings in many different websites.But no, unfortunately real estate brokers and their agents control this industry and are trying to keep the status quo with MLS ridiculous rules and regulations from the 18th century.

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