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Vendor Alley 2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Here are a few items that any vendor would love to see under their tree or in their stocking.

  1.  AirFly from Twelve South- So you love your wireless noise canceling headphones, but can’t watch the movie on the airplane?  No problemo!  These are handy in just those type of situations.  One thing you’ll want to keep in mind is not to forget this sucker is plugged in when you deboard.
  2. Book: Who is Michael Ovitz – This was a enjoyable and fast read about one of Hollywood’s biggest deal makers and entrepreneurs.  
  3. MoKo Wireless Charger – If you have a new mobile phone that wirelessly charges you should order one of these.  I have an iPhone X and it works great.  The best feature about this is that it’s NOT a mat.  The stand puts the phone at an angle so you can read it.
  4. 2019 Swanepoel Trends Report – I’m about half-way through this year’s edition and as usual Swanepoel and his team has offered some great insights.  Best thing to do is order multiple copies for your team members.
  5. Monoprice Ultra Slim Series Active High Speed HDMI Cable – As a former A/V guy I’m kind of a cable nut.  Here’s the perfect HDMI cable for the next time you do a demo in your hotel suite.  It’s thin and about 15 feet long.  So it’s easy to throw in your suitcase and is long enough so you can reach the flat screen in your hotel room and sit somewhere comfortably.  You’re welcome.

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