Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

UpstreamRE’s new vendor is Corelogic


“More than any other technology firm in the real estate industry, CoreLogic is well positioned to deliver an industry-wide platform at a speed of implementation necessary to secure significant adoption during the coming year,” said UpstreamRE CEO Alex Lange. “Under the terms of the agreement, real estate brokers participating in Upstream will continue to pay the same rates but have access to a wider array of features on the Upstream platform.”

““We anticipate brokers will choose to push listing data into Upstream from their multiple listing platform and distribute data using Trestle as they do today,” said Chris Bennett, executive leader of Real Estate Solutions for CoreLogic. “In the future, brokers will have access to add/edit capabilities and additional features that enhance their data and photos.”

The announcement seems to be a week late. The two above quotes seem to be speaking to two audiences. The former to brokers (cost) and the later (MLS providers/organizations). One big question, if a broker’s MLS vendor isn’t CoreLogic (with Trestle), or if they are in an area with multiple MLS vendors, then what?

Also, if “brokers will choose to push listing data into Upstream from their multiple listing platform”, then how is this “Upstream”?

I’m not sure if the fox is in the henhouse, if there is a henhouse, or who the hens are anymore. I hope CoreLogic got their money upfront. They might want to check UpstreamRE’s references.

Someone call Neil deGrasse Tyson and explain this all to me.

  1. As the nuns used to tell me in Catholic school, “You must have faith and believe”.

    Or another way to look at it as Seinfeld said, “That’s a pretty big Matzo ball you have hanging out there”.

  2. I’m on record as saying this thing (The transferred Upstream product) is a “Dog” and whoever gets it is in for a sad time in their co. history, BUT if anybody can revise, it’s Corelogic. They have the size and the network.

    However, this is a new model for them. They will not be able to simply stand on their wallet here. The product needs to be massaged, and if they try to hold anyone hostage for money, it will fail! (Miserably)

    Good Luck!

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