Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

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RESO Director of Growth Management – RESO.org

The Real Estate Standards Organization announces the immediate availability of the Director of Growth Management position of our standards-making organization.
The Director of Growth Management is responsible for managing the development of the organization’s products and services. This includes managing, developing, coordinating, directing and administering internal staff and outside technology companies.  The Director of Growth Management will assist in administering RESO’s workgroups and standards certification operations. As an organization that spans North America, the Director of Growth Management’s office location is virtual, which means no relocation or daily commuting to physical office space is required for the successful candidate, so long as the individual has the demonstrated ability to successfully work virtually. RESO is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization which emphasizes excellence in teamwork to provide superb service to our customers and outstanding results to our Board of Directors.

To find out more about this position please click here.

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