Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Big discount for Cloud CMA subscribers for Tom Ferry Success Summit

At W+R Studios we’ve been working with Tom Ferry for many years now. He and his team members have been great partners. Next week Tom is hosting his Success Summit in Anaheim, CA. It’s a crazy event. He’ll get close to 5,000 agents in a ballroom in rapt attention. I’ve been a few times now and Tom is amazing, the content is great and I can attest that I’ve never seen anything like it.

This year Chris Voss, a former FBI hostage negotiator, is a speaker. I’ve listened to him being interviewed a few podcasts and he has a lot of insight in to negotiating with people.

The folks at Tom Ferry are giving Cloud CMA subscribers a special discount to either attend the Success Summit live or via LiveCast. If you’re an MLS organization that provides Cloud CMA to your membership, please share this link.


It will have more information about the Success Summit and what they get.

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