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MLS Policy 8.0

Advisory Board Proposes MLS Policy to Fuel Broker Cooperation

“The National Association of REALTORS® is considering a change in the association’s MLS policy aimed at creating greater cooperation between brokerages within MLSs. The “Clear Cooperation Policy“ proposal is straightforward: Brokers who are MLS participants must share listings with other brokers in the MLS if those listings are being publicly marketed. NAR is seeking member feedback on the policy before the association’s Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee addresses it at the REALTORS® Conference & Expo in San Francisco this November “

I’ve been asked about my thoughts on this draft. What I can say is that I think this draft policy is a great first step. While nothing is perfect we need to start somewhere and the way 8.0 is drafted I think is smart and thoughtful.

I’ve been pretty steady on my opinions about pocket listings and how they can hurt the industry. In my opinion, except in rare circumstances, the practice needs to stop.

I had a great conversation with Michael Wurzer on Listing Bits about this issue that if you haven’t listened to it yet you should. Michael is a bit more sanguine about the issue, but thoughtful as ever.

I about to start recording a Industry Relations podcast (which I hope to have ready before CMLS) with Rob Hahn this morning where we will duke it out over whether MLS Policy 8.0 goes far enough. Wish me luck!

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