Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Vote for Katie!

Voting for the 2020 RESO Board of Directors starts Monday, November 18th. I have to say it’s an outstanding group to choose from. It’s great to see so many people step up and want to help our industry move forward.

Included in this stellar roster of candidates is Katie Smithson. Of course, I’m very biased but I sincerely hope you consider voting for Katie as a 2020 director of RESO. Since the day Katie joined W+R Studios she has always been civic-minded. It’s one of her best traits. She has seen first hand, by working with MLS providers, MLS vendors, and developers, the need and benefit of standards. Katie is more than qualified to help RESO with its goals.

  1. I know W&R has led way with regards to RESO standards, not just in theory, but in practice. Being one of the first to only accept new MLS set-ups via an API shows your commitment to the efforts of the org. Good luck to Katie!!

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