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New RESO Officers and Directors announced

RESO Elects 2020 Officers and Directors

“The Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) has announced its 2020 Executive Board and the results of its Board of Directors election for five open seats and other board appointments.

“RESO is attracting an unmatched pool of business and technology leaders who will help accelerate our vision of a streamlined real estate technology industry,” said Sam DeBord, CEO of RESO. “Our leadership team is devoted to a brighter future for real estate standards that foster the creation of technology as frictionless as using a mobile phone.”

Congrats to Katie Smithson and the rest of the new appointees.

2020 RESO Executive Board:
Rebecca Jensen, President and CEO, Midwest Real Estate Data LLC (MRED) – Chair
Michael Wurzer, President and CEO, FBS, Creators of Flexmls – Vice Chair
Suzanne Mueller, Chief Industry Relations Officer, realtor.com, Move, Inc. – Secretary
Richard Renton, CEO, Triad MLS – Treasurer

Representing Technology Companies, Developers, Partners & Consultants with revenue over $25 Million:
Chip McAvoy (Incumbent) – EVP Real Estate Solutions, Black Knight, Inc.

Representing Technology Companies, Developers, Partners & Consultants with revenue under $25 Million:
Mark Lesswing – Owner, Lesswing, LLC
Katie Smithson – Director of Enterprise Services, W+R Studios

Representing Multiple Listing Services and/or REALTOR® Affiliated Association with under 50,000 subscribers:
Rebecca Jensen (Incumbent) – President & CEO, Midwest Real Estate Data LLC (MRED)

Representing Other Associations or Groups:
Jeff Young (Incumbent) – COO / General Manager, Realtors Property Resource, LLC (RPR)

Appointed for 2020:
Suzanne Mueller, Chief Industry Relations Officer, realtor.com, Move, Inc.
Richard Renton, CEO, Triad MLS
Turan Tekin, Director, MLS and Industry Development, Zillow Group
Michael Wurzer, President and CEO, FBS, Creators of Flexmls

Appointed RESO Board Advisor:
Scott Woodard – CEO, ShowingTime

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