Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

New Realist includes API for broker use

Leads, Love and Loyalty: Property-Centric Websites Consumers Can’t Resist

“Realist® is a property intelligence platform used by more than 860,000 professionals across the U.S., offering a holistic mix of proprietary, public record, listing and other property data for 99.9 percent of U.S. parcels. Realist offers the kind of in-depth property data consumers love—and it’s now available to use on broker websites for the very first time.

That’s right. CoreLogic® has just released an all-new version of Realist that includes an API for broker use. Now, brokers can easily obtain rich property data for their locale and publish it on their website. By giving consumers full property details for every home in their market, broker websites will rise in the search rankings and attract qualified web traffic. It’s a fantastic, low-cost way to create leads, brand stickiness and consumer loyalty.”

Hearing good things about the new Realist.

  1. @Drew Realist is a professional tool for agents, not consumers. For instance it has a feature called SellScore which helps agents and brokers identify who might be ready to sell. Also, the previous version of Realist was based on Flash. But there is a lot of strong competition now since it took awhile for CoreLogic to make the platform change. The key thing here is the tighter integration with their Matrix MLS system, this will make things easier for agents to search, and agents like easy.

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