Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Brokers got back!

Proposed NAR policy may give brokers back their MLS data

“This may be a surprise to some in the real estate industry, but there is no current nationwide policy that gives brokers the right to get back the listing data they put into a multiple listing service.

That may be about to change. On Monday morning, at the National Association of Realtors’ online midyear conference, the trade group’s Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee approved a policy that gives MLS participants (defined as brokerage principals) the right to receive a data feed of their own listing information without restrictions on what they can do with that data.”

Tip of the hat to Sir Mix-A-Lot, for the title reference.

Nice work CMLS! I realize that it’s a tough balancing act to drive policy but it seems that CMLS handled this perfectly. The fact that the work done by CMLS was for the benefit to the broker community is like adding a cherry to the top of an ice cream sundae. So cheers to Denee Evans, the board of directors, and the entire staff of CMLS for making this happen.

One last thing, it sounds like we are looking for is a name for this policy? I have a suggestion.


Not IDX, but MYDX, as in MY DEE EX

You’re welcome. ????⬇️

  1. Rosemary Scardina

    It is a shame it takes a mandate from NAR to give the Participant their own data.

  2. Rosemary, most already gave the Participant’s back their own data. This was to get the few stragglers back to the right path.

  3. Two things…

    Yes, indeed CMLS deserves credit for getting this through! The process of shaping National MLS Policy and for those who have participated in these efforts know it’s not easy. MLS Policy is impactful to many; it touches MLS Operators, Associations of REALTORS, Vendors and most importantly the Brokers.

    Keeping in mind that brokerage firms are fierce competitors, the MLS provides brokers with a fair and balanced Marketplace that fosters cooperation.

    Over the last several years CMLS leadership and staff have worked hard to forge important relationships with the brokerage community. This is what MLSs do every day to best understand their Participant’s needs and to serve them.

    After reading your post’s punch line I had to pick myself up off the floor…YOU are a funny human being!

    Best Regards,

    Dave Howe

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