Many thanks for all of your that helped me choose a book cover image. You can see the final image below, which was the third cover design.

I got close to 100 responses online and a lot of you emailed me and responded on Twitter as well. It was pretty close between the first cover design and the third cover design. In the end, I went with something more colorful that popped. I think seeing this book on someone’s desk would make them want to pick it up.
But I need your help again. This time it’s with the subtitle. In the example above I have the subtitle as:
“Win Hearts, Minds, and Loyalty by Mastering Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool”
I’ve changed this once before but I’m still not 100% on my selection. So I going to ask you guys to pick a few other options we have come up with and even give you a chance to write your own.
This is the last piece I need. I’m sending this to the printers this week! So please get your responses in!
Thanks, everyone!
Sub Title to long shorten to “Mastering Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool”
How To Master Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool
Secrets For Leveraging Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool
Lessons In Mastering Real Estate’s Most Versatile Resource
Improving Success With Real Estate’s Most Versatile Resource
What You Need To Know About Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool
Beating The Odds With Real Estate’s Most Versatile Resource
Maybe play off “art” a bit? I think it needs the words “real estate” in it, in case people don’t know what CMA stands for or why one is needed.
A Creative Approach To Winning Real Estate Listings
Using Imagination And Skill To Win Real Estate Business
Produce Beauftiful Real Estate Presenations That Win Hearts And Minds