Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

T3 Sixty launches a new management consulting division focused on increasing diversity in the real estate industry.

Stefan Swanepoel and Kenya Burrell-VanWormer

T3 Sixty launches diversity initiative for real estate

“The initiative, led by Texas Realtor and Houston Association of Realtors board member Kenya Burrell-VanWormer, will focus on helping companies improve diversity with different strategies and initiatives.

“The desire by T3 Sixty to help improve diversity in the residential real estate industry was born out the frustration in seeing ongoing discrimination and the lack of opportunities that exist for people of color,” T3 Sixty Chairman and CEO Stefan Swanepoel said in a statement. “We must treat people of all backgrounds and race groups fairly and justly.”

I’m glad to see that the issue of increasing diversity in all aspects of our lives is here to stay. But it is not fraught with some risk. Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin, who has openly talked about diversity being a high priority at his company has come under fire for talking the talk, but not walking the walk. So I applaud Kenya and T3 Sixty for putting themselves out there to help the industry move forward.

I know some want to see more focus on fair housing, especially after the Long Island scandal, and President Trump’s recent tweets. But how are we to change anything unless we have enough diversity in the people that are actually making decisions to effect real change?

It’s easy to be cynical about these issues. But I want to learn and send as much positivity as I can to any effort that will help our country become a more perfect union.

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