Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

N.A.R. should steal this idea

Charles “Chuck” Williams, CEO & Founder Buyside

America’s Top Real Estate Firms Come Together to Launch the First-Ever National Home Valuation Week in Partnership with Buyside

“After a rapid growth in the network of firms on the Buyside platform adding $54 billion in listing opportunities, the company pushed even harder for more listings and worked with its broker clients to launch the first ever National Home Valuation Week (#NHVW), which begins Monday, September 21st, 2020. Top real estate firms located in the United States will be participating in the event, joining together to promote consumers to check the value of their home though their local broker.”

You know how you are always hearing about “National Puppy Day”, or “National Margarita Day”, well this idea takes a different spin on that and I think it’s genius.

National Home Valuation Week (#NHVM) promotes homeowners to check the value of their home through a local broker/agent. Boom!

With a nationwide housing shortage, this could be a great way to encourage homeowners to consider selling their homes. The best way to make this successful is to increase the coverage.

I’m sure Charles Williams, founder, and CEO of Buyside has trademarked the shit out of this but that doesn’t preclude N.A.R., Zillow, Opendoor, whoever from working towards something that would benefit the entire industry. Chuck’s contact information is listed at the bottom of their press release. Call him. Let’s do this!

Plus, once they get a quick valuation from Buyside and the agent needs a present a full CMA, I know a guy.

  1. Thanks Greg.

    The team has worked really hard in pulling this together – and it’s paying off for our brokerage partners BIG time!! The seller leads are pouring in for them!

    Think about it… Once a year we’re told to get a health physical, check our Roth IRA, etc.

    We need to continue to promote financial literacy not just to our kids but to ourselves too.

    The home is your most valuable asset — By the time the average US Homeowner retires 83% of their net worth comes from their home.

    Check the value of your home today – is there equity? Are rates better? Make sense to refi? Are there buyers out there? We help answer those questions and more just by putting in your address.

    And WHO better to drive the awareness but the Brokerage/Agent community!



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