Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

RMLS now offers Paragon MLS as a System of Choice


“We are pleased to offer Paragon as a system of choice for RMLS members as we continually look for solutions that add value and help them successfully grow their business,” said Kurt von Wasmuth, president and CEO, RMLS. “With our in-house MLS system and the option to use Paragon, our members will have access to the latest technology and features that will provide even more opportunities to showcase their services.”

Extra credit to Kurt for following my style guide (“Speaking MLS“) on using the term “system of choice” instead of “front end of choice” in this situation.

“Members of RMLS who choose to use Paragon will also have direct, integrated access to the MLS Tax Suite, powered by CRS Data, an industry-leading provider of property information. The MLS Tax Suite delivers comprehensive and current tax data, home improvement values and detailed maps. The integration between MLS Tax Suite and Paragon provides users with a streamlined way to search for a wealth of critical property-related information.”

Sounds like it’s Christmas in September for RMLS members.

The key to this is how members are exposed to the different options available in MLS search. If System of Choice or Front End of Choice solutions are ever to get any real traction members need to know they have choices.

Katie and I did a webinar recently on this, called “How to Effectively Implement a Front End of Choice” that is worth a watch.

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