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ClimateCheck.com offers reports to tell how Climate Change will affect your home.

ClimateCheck calculates climate change risk for homeowners

“With every day that passes, climate change becomes more of an imminent threat to our livelihoods. This year, and nearly every other year in recent memory, wildfires have ravaged the West Coast while hurricanes have wreaked havoc across the Gulf Coast. But even as environmental concerns increase, it’s hard for homeowners to accurately and easily determine if their property is at risk.

An online platform launched on Wednesday called ClimateCheck aims to change that by taking the guesswork out of climate threats for homeowners by allowing instant access to a property’s vulnerability to environmental impacts related to climate change. “

One of those ideas, you think somebody would have already launched since it’s so obvious. I was able to order the full report and surprised by the amount of data, over 30 pages worth. The PDF report pages are nicely laid out with easy to understand data visualizations.

I think consumers are going to love this and can see it become some sort of standard report being offered when you are purchasing a home.

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