Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Our love letter to MLS

I’ve been experimenting a bit while in WFH mode. I’ve been trying to use video more, using different tools like Quicktime, and Mmhmm. Also playing with my DSLR camera (Nikon 810D) and studio lighting.

I don’t think I’ll ever get too comfortable being in front of a camera but I’m trying. I put all this together and made an eWebinar about Cloud MLX. I call it, “Let’s Talk About Your MLS”. I decided to start off the webinar with a monolouge about MLS and then go into a demo of Cloud MLX itself.

There are lots of things I want to improve about this but you gotta start somewhere! Hopefully, I’ll look back at this later and see some real progress. I’m pretty happy with the video and audio, although my Covid hair is so bad it looks like I’m wearing a toupee!

You can watch the eWebinar by clicking here ====> “Let’s Talk About Your MLS”. I’m welcome to any feedback too. Thanks!

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