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NAR punts on requiring property address for inclusion on MLS

NAR shelves controversial proposal to require addresses on MLS listings

The stated rational for the proposal was: “The property address is a key piece of listing content needed by brokers and licensees to serve the interests of their clients and customers. Disclosure of a listing address at the time of filing is consistent with the MLS’s three tenets of: efficiency, transparency, and collaboration.”

‘Edge cases’

But some on the committee wanted exceptions for when law enforcement or other government officials deemed address disclosure a safety issue or for celebrity clients who didn’t want other agents giving out their addresses to news media.

I had to laugh when I read the title of this article on Inman News. “Controversial”? Surely they had to be speaking about some of the other policies being proposed. How is putting an address for the property in the MLS, controversial? Lucky for me Chris Carrillo was there.

My Hero, Chris Carrillo

“[That policy] distinctly made a line in the sand. That line favored equal opportunity for buyers and sellers for transparency of property information, period. Anything that you do against that creates a slippery slope,” Carrillo said.

“The concerns of high-profile individuals, whether they be law enforcement, first responders, the Hollywood elite, who seek an additional layer of privacy, this can be accomplished right now under existing policy. For those who are so concerned about privacy, there’s an option for exclusive agency or exclusive office listing.

“I worry about the daylight it gives those who want to circumvent cooperation. It’s really difficult to offer transparency for a property that doesn’t have an address. How does anybody run a map search if you don’t have an address of a property?  I’m sorry but Clear Cooperation and equal opportunity doesn’t just stop at a certain listing price.”

What he said.

  1. Lol, ha ha ha ha! Greg, you’re the best. “Hero”…Thank you. Transparency benefits all in the buying process.

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