I’ve been a bit busy getting ramped up with my new gig. We had our SKO (Sales Kick Off) last week at Lone Wolf, and I’m being inundated with new acronyms as I discover the intricacies of corporate speak. I’m also learning a lot about the forms business, which I always thought was a bit boring, but is turning out to be very interesting. Lots of new competition and innovation going on! But while I was drinking from a firehose, Jay Thompson wrote about Zillow switching to IDX feeds and brought the haters out, Glenn Kelman and and Josh Team got into it and a couple brokers should be careful of what they wish for.
I’ve also got a few posts queue up about what I’m calling the “MLS miracle” in California, and RESO’s new standards push. But you’ll have to wait for that.
In the meantime, I thought I would share something amazing and inspiring I saw on Twitter. Click on the image below to see the whole thread.

A few of our CRMLS benefit vendors are incorporating Zipforms directly into their product. Not really sure I prefer direct incorporation as opposed to a two way sync between the vendor and Zipform.