Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Mooveguru helps agents find PPP loans

Real Estate Agents Eligible for PPP Loans Until March 31

Paycheck Protection Program or PPP loans cover independent contractors in Real Estate, about 90% of the 1099 agents will qualify for the forgivable government PPP loan. The loan amount is likely to be around $5,000 on the low end and up to $20,833 on the high end, according to information provided by Capital Plus, Blueacorn, and MooveGuru. Approval rates are currently at 90%.

The website to share with agents to apply for the loan is https://mooveguru.blueppp.com.

I know many vendors who have taken advantage of PPP loans. Every little bit helps as we make our way out of this pandemic. If you involved with doing any agent/member communication I would get this word out there.

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