T3 Sixty Organized Real Estate with Clint Skutchan with guest Greg Robertson.
Clint welcomes Greg Robertson, Head of Sales MLS/Assn./Franchisors for Lone Wolf Technologies who recently acquired W+R Studios’ Cloud CMA for which Greg was a Co-founder. He’s also a recognized commentator on all things Organized Real Estate via his vendoralley.com website and various podcasts.
Greg and Clint will discuss the recent flurry of technology acquisitions and what, if anything, Association and MLS leaders should be doing to prepare for further changes to the vendor landscape in the coming year.
Registration is complimentary.
I’m looking forward to this. There has been a lot of consternation about the consolidation in the industry. I’m hoping I can provide some unique first-hand perspective on the topic.
Click here to register: T3 Webinar with Clint and Greg