Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Joel Singer, CEO of C.A.R. , is retiring

From Inman News: California Association of Realtors CEO announces retirement

“It will be very difficult to leave, but it is the right time for me personally,” Singer said in an emailed statement. “I also know that CAR is in excellent hands from both a volunteer leadership and staff standpoint and that this change will open new doors for the organization.”

CAR is forming a search committee to find Singer’s replacement.

Well, I was 2 years off from my prediction. Damn COVID!

One thing you can say about Joel is that he rarely played defense. He was constantly pushing, constantly going for it, constantly moving forward. You gotta respect that.

It’s going to be super interesting to watch the cage match that will ensue on finding his replacement. I can already hear those LinkedIn profiles being updated now….

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