Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

A bargain at twice the price

1000watt Inside

Things are happening fast, and it’s hard to hear the signal through the noise.

1000watt can help.

That’s why we’re proud to announce 1000watt Inside, a membership program for companies that want to break away from the pack and win the future.

Think of Inside as “1000watt in a box,” your own private think tank, an ever-growing, advantage-building asset for your business.”


The team at 1000watt lead by Brian Boero and Marc Davison do the most creative work in organized real estate. They are design-centric, great thinkers, amazing copywriters, and best of all good people. They inspire me. They make me want to write better. They make me think.

I had an early sneak peek at their new Inside platform and was blown away. Not just incredible content, but real research that I know will cause a stir. The membership to Inside is a bargain, at twice the price. And I love that it is designed for your team, not just one person.


Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired and former editor of the Whole Earth Review came up with this concept of “1,000 True Fans“. Meaning that if creators, like the team at 1000watt, came up with something (a product, a service, a piece of art… whatever) they could charge just 1,000 true fans for, then they could sustain a business in doing something they cared about. That’s what I thought about when I first learned they were initially limiting membership to just 200 members. They really want people that will engage, not lurk.

The industry is ripe with “acquisition anxiety”. We all need to step up and support the independent companies out there grinding away at making our industry a better place. Signing up for Inside is a no-brainer if you are an MLS, association, franchisor, or brokerage, vendor, or any kick-ass team looking to be inspired.

So let’s break off a piece of that left-over travel budget and show Brian and Marc some love. Your team will thank you for it.

For more information about Inside click here——-> 1000watt Inside

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