Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Chris Bennett and Amy Gorce start a new consulting company – PRESTA


“Today Chris Bennett and Amy Gorce announced the launch of PRESTA Team, a new company that will leverage their combined 60+ years of industry experience to provide consulting and advisory services in the real estate space. Throughout their careers, Chris and Amy have accumulated valuable insight into many aspects of organized real estate and aim to assist MLSs, Brokers, and Proptech companies strategically navigate through times of unprecedented competition and change.

PRESTA is an acronym, “Premier Real Estate Solutions and Technology Advisors“. There was certainly a hole left by Clareity Consulting when CoreLogic acquired them back in 2017. T3Sixty have been quick to try and fill the vacuum as well as WAV Group. I respect both Chris and Amy and know the industry will be a better place with their insights. I’m sure they are both nervous and excited about their new adventure and I can’t help but feel a little bit jealous of starting something new.

My best wishes to Chris and Amy, looking forward to seeing you both soon!

  1. This is a great move for both Chris and Amy, and for the industry. I fear they missed out on a better name for their company; Rockstar Consulting:)
    GOOD LUCK! (Yes, I was shouting.)

  2. Thanks for sharing our big news Greg. Chris and I are like two kids on their first day at a startup today doing glamorous stuff like getting email setup but also having awesome conversations with some of our industry favorites. We can’t wait to contribute more to this industry we love so much!

  3. Great news, congratulations Amy and Chris. PRESTA will be a great presence in the industry with the two of you at the helm.

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