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Lone Wolf begins zipForm transition to Authentisign e-signature solution

Real estate’s top digital signature solution, Authentisign, coming to Lone Wolf Transactions (zipForm Edition)

“Lone Wolf Technologies (“Lone Wolf”), the leader in North American residential real estate software, announced today the rollout of the company’s highly popular digital signature solution, the all-new Authentisign, to Lone Wolf Transactions (zipForm Edition) customers. This rollout will take place nationwide in a phased market approach starting today. “

When you have bought as many companies as Lone Wolf has, you have a lot to think about regarding integration. Lone Wolf owns two of real estate’s most popular transaction management systems, zipForm, and TransactionDesk. Giving our customers more choices is good but that can also cause support issues; 2 e-signature solutions, 2 UI/UX, and 2 separate forms design teams (to handle new/changes/updates to forms). Over the past year and a half, Lone Wolf has been consolidating key features to streamline the product and to help our support teams.

First off Lone Wolf launched a brand new Authentisign. This new solution has been a hit with its users and has close to a 5-star rating. That new Authentisign was launched to TransactionDesk users only. Now, this new solution is going to start rolling out to zipForm users and I’m positive they are going to appreciate the better UI/UX.

Recently Lone Wolf also revamped the forms editor in zipForm. Customers have well received this. You can read Craig Rowe’s great review at Inman News – “Lone Wolf enhances deal making with digital forms overhaul: Tech Review“. Those changes are also going to be rolling out to TransactionDesk users in the future.

I know the teams are working hard on these improvements and happy to see and share their progress.

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