Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Event: Turn On

Register=> https://1000watt.net/turn-on/

A lot of real estate conferences blend into each other, and it’s hard to tell them apart. You get a lot of “what year was that” vibe? There was a ballroom, a lobby bar, a steak dinner, and mindless presentations of vendors and agents giving commercials from the stage.

I’ve attended two Turn On events from 1000watt and I remember each of them distinctly (Dan and I were lucky enough to be participants in one of 1000watt’s first events). The content is unmatched. Maybe it was the weird/cool swag (rolling papers with the 1000watt logo, yes please). Or the incredible band playing music between speakers and breaks. But most of all it was the presenters. One sticks out in my head of an actual bonafide film director ( I think one of Marc’s neighbors) showing the audience how he would shoot real estate listing videos. I also had a chance to play poker with Tom Ferry and a real professional Poker player (spoiler alert, I lost my ass – but it was all for charity).

So naturally, when I heard 1000watt was doing it again I signed up. The event is in Portland, Oregon – March 20-21 ( a beautiful time of year in Portland).

So if you want to cleanse your palette of the normal, because in 2023 we are all going to need new ideas and inspiration, then you should sign up too.

Click this link to register —-> Turn On produced by 1000watt

See you there!

  1. Wow Greg, Thanks man.
    Yeah, John Kent Harrison was the Hollywood director that spoke at the last Turn On. 30+ movies under his belt. We met about 12 years ago – he was indeed my neighbor and we’ve become close friends since. His wife owns the agency that did all the animation for the TV show GRIMM & I am trying to coax her to come out from the behind her computer to give a talk this time.

    I know people in real estate don’t go to events for content – they go to be with peers. We get that. But what if the content is actually so good it either validates your inner beliefs or gives you the permission you often think doesn’t exit to try something new.

    What if you can acquire both AND be with peers?

    See y’all in March

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