Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Over 1 million people used Zillow’s down payment assistance tool (powered by Down Payment Resource)

More than 1 million people have used Zillow’s down payment assistance tool over the last year

“Homeownership remains the American Dream because it is one of the most powerful avenues for building wealth, and a source of long-term social and financial stability,” said Rob Chrane, CEO and founder of Down Payment Resource. “Unfortunately, many people sideline themselves from buying a home because they don’t know that there are thousands of homebuyer assistance programs that may be able to help them overcome common affordability challenges, such as down payment and closing costs. By partnering with Down Payment Resource, Zillow is doing the important work of raising awareness about these programs while providing its users with a tool that could make the difference between continuing to rent and owning a home.”

Well, this certainly brought a smile to my face! I’ve been a big fan of Rob and his company, Down Payment Resource for a long time. Just to think that there are people in a house right now, maybe warming themselves by a fireplace, who were able to buy the house with information they gained from this service fills me with the holiday spirit. 🥹

  1. Rob Chrane and Down Payment Resource have done more to help people get onto the home ownership ladder than any other initiative I can think of.
    The MLS’s across the country that incorporated DPR have taken real action to increase opportunity for the disadvantaged while creating transactions that otherwise would not have occurred.

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