Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

The MLS™/CLAW offers free floor plans to members via CubiCasa

The MLS/CLAW CEO, Annie Ives

Free Floor Plans are Now Available to The MLS™/CLAW REALTOR® Members Through CubiCasa

“The CEO of The MLS™/CLAW, Annie Ives, says “Advancement is essential for The MLS™, especially when it comes to technology. We’re pleased to be offering easy floor plans to members as this is a key feature that clients look for during their property search. Agents can now provide their clients a more comprehensive property outlook.”

Super smart!

CubiCasa is building a lot of momentum. A little birdie told me that other big announcements are coming soon. My thanks again to CubiCasa for sponsoring this month of Vendor Alley!

Sponsored By REcore